The Bitter Bitch’s Guide:

Exit Survey

1. What were the things that first attracted you to me?

2. What were the highlights of our relationship for you? And what were the low points?

3. When do you think things began to change and why?

4. Was there a dealbreaker and, if so, what was it?

5. A. What do you feel you could have done differently?

B. What do you feel I could have done differently?

6. Could the outcome have been changed by one or both of our actions and, if so, how?

7. What could you or I have done differently to end things in a more effective way?

8. What did you learn from our time together?

9. Do you believe I have any traits that could be construed as toxic and how did that affect you or our relationship?

10. A. Do you think we had a problem with communication?

B. How could we have communicated better?

11. Do you believe you were emotionally available when we met? If not, how so?

12. How do you think I feel about our relationship and how it ended?

13. Do you believe either of us were dishonest or not transparent about our intentions from the beginning and how so?

14. Is there a statement or comment you’d like to get off of your chest?

15. Are you expecting a response to this questionnaire or considering receiving one back?

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

If you have any questions or comments, please fill out the form below or contact us directly here.