Wellness Check

It’s been pretty quiet on the Bitter Bitch home front so I thought I’d put some words down so you know I’m still alive.

I’m alive.

That’s about it. Nothing new or positive to report. The inspection on the Dodge came back and the warranty company is refusing to pay for the computer without so much as a sliver of explanation so I’m expected to drive around in a truck that barely runs that I still owe $60k on. I spent all of Wednesday in my room balling my eyes out. We’ve been battling Dodge since April 22 and I’m just at the cusp of complete hopelessness. I don’t know if I have the energy to keep this shit up.

I’m adapting to my new life as a roommate, the first time I’ve ever experienced a group living situation. To be honest, it’s not that bad. I stay in my room and out of everyone’s way for the most part, and the best part is when shit breaks, I don’t have to deal with it, which I love. In the three weeks I’ve been here the A/C broke the second day, then was repaired wrong and took two weeks to fix. Now the well pump went out and we’ve been surviving without water, but still not my problem. Yolo.

The new job is, well, interesting. I’m still in probation so I’m just gonna leave this one alone for now.

Lately it’s been really hard to find the will to live without ever getting one win. Every time I think shits on the up swing, I’m confronted with a new and even more exciting problem so the littlest of wins have to be celebrated. For example, I found three cans of oops paint at Home Depot that are whitish, and I’m going to paint these God awful walls in my rental to a light, airy color for my OnlyFans shoots. We were finally able to get the trailer up into the driveway with some 2x4s so the constant fear that it would be towed is finally gone. I’ve been employed for three weeks and haven’t been fired yet, super great. And probably the biggest win this week would be the damn near free tickets we found online for me to visit my road boo, a very needed distraction from the incessant shitstorm here at home.

All in all, things feel pretty fucked around here but they could always be worse. For now we’re just trucking along, taking a small break to reconvene, get our shit sorted out, and all our bad luck rubbed off before we get back on the road and into some more shit.

xoxo, The Bitter Bitch


Everyone Wants to Live“YOLO”


Eight Hours a Day