New Mexico
Did you know?
Less people live in the entire state of New Mexico than the current population of Phoenix
A month in New Mexico…
It was a whirlwind. Went a lot of places, saw a lot of things, and basically visited every corner of the state in the short but hectic time I was there. Not a straight shot but a lot of looping, back tracking, and breaking down took this quick pitstop to a five week long adventure across the desert, through the mountains, and back.
The thing I loved the most about New Mexico - the lack of population - making exploration so easy, but less people means less amenities and that sure was a tough one to adapt to. Coupled with no In ‘n Out burger and let’s just say, I couldn’t wait to get back to my big city way of life. But it was an amazing adventure while it lasted.
Northern New Mexico
Bandelier National Monument
Rio Grande Gorge
Taos Pueblo
A 1000 year old condo complex
Western New Mexico
Gila National Forest
Ghost Towns
The Very Large Array
A trip out to see some big ass satellites
Southern NM
When you don't have anything nice to say but you've got to say something
My experience chasing little green men through the desert
White Sands National Monument
237 square miles of silky gypsum dunefield