Ari-fucking-zona bitches!

The Bitter Bitch has arrived in the southwest

What a fucking miracle!!

I thought we would never get here. In fact, there were moments when I was sure I’d never set RV in this fucking state. So much went wrong. So much fuckery took place. And many, many times did I consider giving this fantasy up. Maybe get an apartment, call my work and kiss some ass, and just get back in line with all the other assholes waiting for life to pass them by in their shitty career, shitty relationship, with shitty friends. It coulda been just like the old days, but I didn’t, and we persevered, and we’re finally here and IT’S ALL HAPPENING! This is truly a momentus moment for the Bitter Bitch clan, and we are celebrating it by shotgunning Modelos at the trailer park. Then maybe some light inebriated swimming. I don’t know; I don’t know if we’re gonna have enough time (“Old School”).

But in all reality to think that we’re really finally on this road, doing it, is something special. We’ve made a lot of sacrifices and made some pretty big decisions without knowing where they would lead. Not that I know now, because I sure as fuck don’t, but I’m at least grateful to finally be on the journey. It’s one thing to say you’re going to do something; it’s a completely different beast to follow through with it. Essentially we have nothing but the truck we drive and the trailer we pull, and while that sounds so free to some and so ridiculous to others, its the life I’ve decided for this little family, come hell or high water. It’s been a hard transition to realize we are our own home, we don’t need to belong to a certain place or tribe of people to have community, and we certainly don’t need anyone’s acceptance or approval to do this. We ARE doing it.

By making it to Arizona, it’s officially the start of the next chapter of our lives. Everything in Vegas is now just the past, and everything down this highway is the future, and who knows where it’s going to take us. While we may have had a few false starts (broken electrical, ripped out auxiliary cord, potentially torn ACL), whatever happens, it’s gonna happen out there (“Captain Ron”). We’ve made it far enough now to finally have a grasp on things, semi-know what the fuck is going on with the trailer-ish, and can probably get on down the road until the next major fuck-up happens. Either way, we’re here!

I’m still figuring out the balance between moving and maintaining the trailer, going out and tracking down content, and actually getting it posted. I certainly haven’t found the sweet spot yet, but I know I will soon and it’s just another thing I’ll have to grasp as a homeless traveling gypsy spinning yarns for pennies. I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding while we desperately try to figure our shit out.

Thank you friends <3 and if you don’t recognize any of those previous quotes, GO WATCH A FUCKING MOVIE for Christ’s sake.

XOXO, The Bitter Bitch


Daytrippin’ Inyo Mine


Staying @ Headquarters Camp