Opinions & Assholes

Everyone’s got ‘em

If you’ve been following the plight of the Bitter Bitch, then you know big things have been coming to fruition. After two years of dabbling, I’ve decided to put all my eggs in one basket and see if we can make this fat bitch sing (the blog, not me). I’ve come to the conclusion that I am simply too old to slave away at some dumb shit job, squandering precious time that could be used entertaining the likes of you. So the kids and I are packing our shit and hitting the road. So long Vegas!

I did not come to this decision lightly. In fact, I devoted seven painful years to the corporate world and my current employer, only to come to the realization that all that time, sweat, and precipitation (because bad bitches don’t cry) was, in fact, a total fucking waste. I’m no closer to any of my goals. My life has not improved. I’ve only lost time and gained weight while seemingly making no headway. I went from making plans such as in five years I’ll have saved x/y/z or in three years this sacrifice will pay off to what do I have to do RIGHT-FUCKING-NOW to change my life. And the only thing I have to show for all those missed holidays, late nights, customer complaints, bullshit meetings, and lackluster tips is the home that I’ve been living in for the last 15 years. When you consider that I’ve made over $350,000 in payments toward my mortgage but have only managed to pay off $57k in principal, it really makes you question this version of the American Dream.

I’ve decided that my new dream looks a lot like an open road, a tiny dog in the passenger seat, and the ability to literally disappear for however long I deem necessary, but many close to me have decided to weigh in as of late. I’ve been getting a mixed bag of commentary about how many people’s dreams are to own a home; sprinkle in where will you live when you come back; and don’t forget the general barrage of do you know what you’re doing/you’re making a mistake. And while all of these comments certainly hold weight, it all comes down to one thing: these are just people’s opinions. Opinions are based on thoughts and experiences that are specific to the individual. Home ownership may be a dream for one person and a fucking nightmare for another. For me, home ownership is not a dream. It is simply a vehicle to get me where I want to be. And where is that? Writing. Blogging. Photographing. Seeing the world. Spending time with those I love. Focusing on my health. All bought and paid for with that “dream”.

The real point of this entire project, the Bitter Bitch as a whole, is to take the things I see, feel, and experience and turn them into words that motivate you. I take my own feelings of inadequacy and failure and parlay them into a motivational sounding board. Yes, I talk about sex and dicks and whatever else, but essentially everything on here is for the sole purpose of encouraging you: Don’t be afraid to be your true self, no matter what people perceive it as. Never put up with anyone’s bullshit. Live your truest life according to your standards. Hold mother fuckers accountable. I want you to be everything that I wasn’t before I became the Bitter Bitch. It is never too late to wake up tomorrow and say “fuck this shit”. And I fucking love it. If my words reach just one of you, then my job is done.

On the other side of that, though, is me. Not the Bitter Bitch. Just regular ol’ struggling, sad, self destructive, isolated, overthinking Melanie. It is not easy to sit here and write these uplifting testimonials all the time. It is not easy for me when I, myself, feel like nothing. The real struggle is not how much effort and consideration this takes from me but how to continually refill that glass when I have nothing left to pour. Sometimes even the bitterest of bitches needs a hype man too. Which brings us directly to today’s lesson: stop and consider your own words and the affect they have on others. When you choose to share your opinion with someone, be it from the humblest of places, consider if you are, in turn, motivating that person, helping that person, bringing positivity to that person. If someone is struggling, rather than feed their fears with your own insecurities, reinforce the positive aspects. Encourage them to follow their dream even though they may not be the same as yours. Tell someone they are doing great or you’re proud of them for their courage even though it may not be the path you would have chosen. Tell that fat girl how cute her crop top is even though you’d never let your jelly rolls hang out like that. At the end of the day, that little kindness didn’t hurt you but it may have significantly helped someone else. Otherwise you’re just going to be another asshole with an opinion for the rest of your life.

XOXO, The Bitter Bitch


Kiss My Escrow


Mid-life, Schmid-life