Ningaloo, WA


The Deal

My absolute favorite place I visited on my entire trip to Australia. This is a really special place, and I was surprised not to see bigger crowds. I went during August which overlaps whale shark and humpback season. What I didn’t know was that right in this spot where the peninsula juts out is where the humpbacks swim close to shore, because, after all, it’s part of Humpback Highway. I’d heard the term used before, but I had no idea where it was or when it was. So if you’re looking for a quiet and pristine place to watch the sun go down while thousands of humpbacks escort their calves to Antartica for their first time, this is it.

  • Next beach west of Dunes, at thebase of Vlaming Lighthouse.

  • Small unpaved lot directly off Yardie Creek Rd.

  • Free

  • Pros: Beautiful, quiet beach. Great for whale watching.

    Cons: Can be really windy.


Dunes Surf Beach


Oyster Stacks