Sunset Spots

So here’s the real deal: some places have absolutely breathtaking sunsets and some places just don’t. Barcelona is one of those places that’s lackluster at best. I’m sure this is not a popular opinion, but it is my opinion. There are several factors that make the city less than ideal for viewing, which mainly include simple geography, where the sun sets in the sky and how it can be viewed from a fairly vertical city. For these reasons, sunrise is where it’s at. Below I’ll break it down for you and you can decide for yourself if you want to spend your time seeking these points out or say fuck it and hit the tapas bars instead.

two girls watching the Barcelona sunset. travel guide to Barcelona spain
Barcelona beach at sunset.  travel guide to Barcelonas best sunset spots spain
W hotel on Barcelona beach.  travel guide to Barcelonas best sunset spots.

Sunrise* @ Barcelona Beach

Uh, yeah, so this is supposed to be a post about the sun-set, but simple geography is sticking it to you there. Barcelona is located on the upper east peninsula and the sun sets on the west, duh. Which means the sun rises in the east. Therefore, for a totally peaceful and unhindered view, you’re gonna have to get up and watch it rise over the beautiful blue waters from either the public beach, which is my preference for sure, or any tall building. My choice would be the W, absolutely farthest point east in the city, massively tall, and totally chic. If you can afford it, stay there. You won’t be sorry.

Alternately, the furthest point east is also the best viewing place to see the sun set over all of Barcelona, so the W provides you a double whammy. I am in no way affiliated with the W nor do I receive money in any way. I’m simply a lover of luxury, convenience and ease.

On The Water

sunset on Barcelona beach.  travel guide to Barcelonas best sunset spots

Hire a boat, preferably a sailboat. I can’t do this after we’ve proven time and again that my motion sickness is the stuff of legends. I was almost eaten during a caged shark dive because I vomited then proceeded to pass out underwater in Oahu. I vomited all over myself kayaking as the rest of my snorkel crew tried to escape the tide in Maui. Needless to say, this is the bar none for a sunrise/sunset viewing, I just can’t partake. They have tours that’ll run you up the coast to a nearby winery so you can enjoy the sunset on your way back with the full Barcelona skyline in view.

Bunkers del Carmel

sunset at bunkers del carmel.  travel guide to Barcelonas best sunset spots

Carrer de Marià Labèrnia, s/n

Obviously, again, far superior sunrise to the sunset, but if you’re interested in seeing the entire city lit up in beautiful colors with the sun on the horizon, this is the place. Once a military installation used as an anti-aircraft fortification, it was fitted with large cannons to help prevent further bombing of the city during the Spanish Civil War.

This place is no longer a well kept secret so be prepared for crowds. The best part though: it’s free, safe, and legal to be there. Easiest way to get there is by taxi/uber and will cost about $20. But in the dark of morning with a hot coffee in your hand, somethings are priceless. Next best way is by bus, but my experience with buses in Barcelona was not great, as I’ll mention in the next section. If you’d rather do that, take the L3 Metro line to Valcarca. Outside the station you’ll hop bus 22 to El Carmel. When you get off, you’ll take a brisk 10 minutes walk the rest of the way up.


sunset from Tibidabo viewpoint.  travel guide to the best sunset spots in Barcelona
Tibidabo store front
Tibidabo viewpoint.  travel guide to the best sunset spots in Barcelona

My least favorite (an honest review by the Bitter Bitch):

When you talk about a complete waste of time, this is always what I come back to. I feel pretty strongly about it because I see a lot of people constantly hyping it up and suggesting it, which is how I found myself there in the first place. The short of it goes like this. This church is a hell of a lot smaller than it looks from the outside, so not much to tour. In fact, if you’re going there to see the church, skip it entirely. If you’re going for the views and sunset, probably still skip it. All those amazing Rio-esque photos you see were NOT taken from the hilltop at Tibidabo. Trust me.

This sucker is way up a mountain very far from the center of town. Takes forever to get to the top of the steep and winding road, which means lots ‘o euros. Then you walk up the hill awhile, like several hundred yards. Once you’re up there, you realize you’re going to have to get down. The store is closed. The amusement park is closed. There is nowhere to get refreshments of any kind. Buses on this route are not reliable. We caught one only to find out all passengers were forced off two stops later. The hilltop buses do not run back into town. Now you’re stuck in a suburban area far outside the city and catching an uber or cab, which is damn near impossible. All for a lackluster sunset at best. Save yourself the trouble and hit the Bunkers instead.